Read Ch. 1 on Antifragility
Read Ch. 1 on Antifragility

Wiser Organizations
Leading an organization full of self-righteous hypocritical (i.e., normal) people has always been difficult. It has been getting more difficult since 2018 as "safetyism," polarization, and other trends we analyzed are taking root in many organizations. Here's how to use ideas from The Coddling to guide your organization to wisdom, rather than "structural stupidity."
The Coddling of the American Mind focuses on events on college campuses, and then traces the problems back to younger ages — mistakes made by parents, and in K-12 education. As we were finishing the book, in early 2018, we considered writing a chapter on how these trends were beginning to affect organizations, particularly companies. We had just begun to hear stories from businesspeople about how safetyism was showing up in industries that hired primarily from America's most elite universities — industries such as journalism, media, the arts, and technology. But in early 2018, all we had was a few anecdotes, so we decided we could not yet write such a chapter.
The first members of Gen Z (born in 1996 or 1997) began to graduate from college in May of 2017, or 2018, depending on how you count it. And just in late 2018, the trickle of anecdotes began to increase. Working in a company requires very high levels of cooperation, and an ability to submerge your own concerns for the good of the team. Such norms are incompatible with the callout culture and safetyism that some (just some) recent college graduates are taking with them into the workplace. We predicted, when this page went up in late 2018, that the spread of safetyism into American companies — along with the moral dependence and constant conflict it engenders — would become a major theme in the business world, and in most organizations, including religious communities and non-profits. Unfortunately, this has happened.
Here are a few articles in the popular press about how The Coddling has come to organizations:
A) On the rise in anxiety among young employees:
Today’s Young Worker Is Stressed Out and Anxious, by Dana Wilkie (2018). Society for Human Resource Management.
The Most Anxious Generation Goes to Work, by Sue Shellenbarger, Wall St. Journal, 5/9/19
Mental Health at Work: 2019 Report by Mind Share Partners (2019)
Young Workers Seek Mental Health Accommodations, Employers Try to Keep Up (2020), by Lauren Weber, Wall Street Journal.
B) Advice for members of Gen Z
Skills for the 21st Century — Building Human Capital for Economic Mobility, by Ben Wilterdink (2019), Archbridge Institute. [Soft skills are becoming more valuable; cultivate them, and grit]
Advice for Gen Z: Demand a Better Workplace Than We Did, by Ed Frauenheim (2018), Workforce. "Young people, don’t buy the depressing vision he’s selling! Because you can push for a much better work life than we older fogies have tolerated. And I hope—for all of us—that you will."
C) Advice for leaders and managers, about integrating Gen Z into the workplace while avoiding the slide into safetyism and constant conflict that happened to universities
Are you ready for Gen Z in the workplace? By Holly Schroth (2019) California Management Review.
Gen Z is coming to your office. By Wall Street Journal Graphics (2019).
Generation Z Is Coming To The Workplace: Are You Ready? Jeff Cunningham interviews Jon Haidt (2019), in Chief Executive. [Includes advice about how to set norms to minimize political conflicts at work]
There’s No Z In Team- 8 Things To Know About Gen Z. by Remy Blumenfeld (2019), Forbes. "Be very clear about the values of your organization..."
Young Workers Seek Mental Health Accommodations, Employers Try to Keep Up, by Lauren Weber, Wall St. Journal, 2/12/20
Silicon Valley’s ‘Mission Protocol’ Revolution Is Beginning to Attain Critical Mass (2021). By Peter Savodnik, in Quillette.
Resources for Businesses, at Counterweight.
D) Conflict, callout culture, and social media in the workplace
The Wrath of the Woke Workforce, by Christine Rosen (2019), Commentary
Managers need new ways to deal with worker dissent, by Andrew Hill (2019), Financial Times
Journalists Are Reporting Their Colleagues To HR For Expressing Political Opinions That Make Them Feel Unsafe. by Jesse Singal (2019). Singal-Minded.
The Generation War At Work: Should your office be a safe space? Do hurt feelings trump free speech? Or does your boss need to listen more?
ELEPHANT IN THE ZOOM: Meltdowns Have Brought Progressive Advocacy Groups to a Standstill (2022). By Ryan Grim, The Intercept.
Why the past 10 years of American life have been uniquely stupid (2022). By Jonathan Haidt, The Atlantic. (Presents the idea that organizations in which dissent is suppressed because of fear of getting attacked or canceled via social media become "structurally stupid." They make bad decisions because members are afraid to criticize sacralized views.)
E) The Great Awokening
A rapid shift in the values of white progressives happened around 2014 in the United States. This is a part of the story that we did not know when we wrote The Coddling. Research from Pew and the GSS (General Social Survey), and research on changes in word frequencies in the New York Times only became widely known in early 2019. This part of the story is NOT about Gen Z primarily, but it is affecting American companies in many (but not all) industries. Anyone trying to improve corporate culture in our age of rising political polarization and omnipresent social media needs to know about it. If we had known about The Great Awokening back in 2017, we would have added it to Chapter 6, The Polarization cycle. Here are some of the main essays about it:
The Great Awokening, by Matt Yglesias (2019), in Vox
A Twitter thread from Zach Goldberg (2019), showing rapid changes in word frequencies in New York Times articles, beginning around 2014
America's White Saviors, by Zach Goldberg (2019), in Tablet
Americans are Divided by Their Views on Race, Not Race Itself, by Eric Kaufman, in the New York Times
When the Culture War Comes for the Kids, by George Packer (2019), The Atlantic
Antiracism, Our Flawed New Religion, by John McWhorter (2017), in The Daily Beast. (This essay came out two years earlier, before the term was coined, but it offers a superb analyses of some strands of modern politics as a religion centered around race, with many performative rituals.)